International Admission is a special for foreign students. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati provides with scholarship for eligible applicants covering: free enrollment, training of Bahasa Indonesia, tuition fee, examination fee and dormitory.
Required Documents
- Certificate and Academic Transcript of
Senior High School - Valid Passport
- Colorful Photo 4 x 6
- Motivation Letter
- Curricullum vitae
- Recommendation letter from Indonesian representatives in the applicant's countries or from the applicant's school
- Statement letter stating that the applicant will not get married during his/her study under scholarship
- Statement letter attached with stamp stating the applicant will finish his/her study on time
- Health certificate
- Certificate of English/Arabic competence
- Registration: (please wait for this information)
- Portfolio and Interview: (please wait for this information)
- Announcement: (please wait for this information)
- Sending and printing Letter of Acceptance: (please wait for this information)
- Fill out personal data and upload documents: (please wait for this information)
- Language Courses for Foreign Students: (please wait for this information)
- Introduction to Academic
and Student Culture (PBAK): (please wait for this information)
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