International Admission

International Admission is a special for foreign students. UIN Sunan Gunung Djati provides with scholarship for eligible applicants covering: free enrollment, training of Bahasa Indonesia, tuition fee, examination fee and dormitory.

Required Documents

  1. Certificate and Academic Transcript of
    Senior High School
  2. Valid Passport
  3. Colorful Photo 4 x 6
  4. Motivation Letter
  5. Curricullum vitae
  6. Recommendation letter from Indonesian representatives in the applicant's countries or from the applicant's school
  7. Statement letter stating that the applicant will not get married during his/her study under scholarship
  8. Statement letter attached with stamp stating the applicant will finish his/her study on time
  9. Health certificate
  10. Certificate of English/Arabic competence


  1. Registration: (please wait for this information)
  2. Portfolio and Interview: (please wait for this information)
  3. Announcement: (please wait for this information)
  4. Sending and printing Letter of Acceptance: (please wait for this information)
  5. Fill out personal data and upload documents: (please wait for this information)
  6. Language Courses for Foreign Students: (please wait for this information)
  7. Introduction to Academic
    and Student Culture (PBAK): (please wait for this information)

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